Lizzy in the hammock

Otto in his favorite hidey-hole

Lucy washing her face

Lucy and Lizzy

Lucy inspecting the trash

Lucy yawning

Lizzy waking up

Otto is a fat ferret

Lizzy yawning

group nap

Lizzy glowing

Lizzy about to wardance

What should have been a flattering picture of Lizzie

Blitzen mugs a troll!

Blitzen standing still

Lizzie washes Blizten's ears

The last few pictures of Lucy before she died:

Asleep with Lizzy in the hammock

In the hammock again

Looking back from a hidey-hole

My last pictures of Mr. Otto:

Asleep with Lizzie

Playing with Blitzen

Cuddling Lizzie

and law school graduation pictures:

with Mom and Dad

with my friend Robert

the whole damn lot of us: Mom, my grandmother, me, my father, and my aunt Carolyn (extra relatives are from the maternal side)

My high school senior picture! From 1991, I think. A friend scanned this recently. It's one of the very few pictures taken of me that I've ever liked. For some reason no one else does - I don't know why not, I had all my shots.

two pictures from Eastern Kentucky:

a view from Cumberland Mountain, in Bell County

Black Mountain, from Kingdom Come State Park in Harlan County